Joshua Acton

I am a final-year undergraduate student reading Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Bristol. My aim is to pursue higher education and a career on the quantitative side of financial markets. To that end, I am writing my dissertation on continuous-time stochastic analysis, stochastic control, and market-making. I have developed my professional skills as an intern in Market Risk at Goldman Sachs from June to August 2023, and will be interning in Sales and Trading at Morgan Stanley from June to August 2024.

In support of my various applications for internships over the last couple of years, I have built my own CV template in LaTeX which is available for download and use here.

I also maintain an interest in existential risk, particularly regarding artificial intelligence and superintelligence. For my A-Level extended project, I wrote an essay titled "Will machine superintelligence benefit humanity?", covering current ideas around what constitutes intelligence and superintelligence - and how we might get there. I then explore what some of the political, economic, social, technical and ethical challenges of machine superintelligence might be. You can view this essay here.

To view some of my technical projects or educational and professional background, use the links at the bottom of the page to access my Github and Linkedin profiles. Thank you for reading.

Good day!